Sunday, February 26, 2017

It Always Seems Impossible Weekly Inspiration

So true... I am a procrastinator to the max! But I've been trying really hard to stay on top of things lately. It always seems overwhelming, but if I just focus on finishing the task, it's over before I realize it!! Hope this weekly motivation helps you have a GREAT week :)
Save this image to your phone and set it as your background!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Weekly Inspiration // You've Got This \\

Just sitting over here ready for Spring! I'm so excited to get back to sharing my Weekly Inspiration iPhone backgrounds with y'all! Snag this one to stay motivated this week and stop by the blog every Sunday for a new background!

Save this image to your phone and set it as your background

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Treasure Hunt Math Game

As a teacher I was always on the hunt for the BEST math games! Math games are just the perfect way to practice the basic skills. And those basic skills are IMPORTANT. Treasure Hunt is one of my favorites because it's simple, cheap, and is so easy to differentiate. Watch the video for a quick "how to"!

The game featured in the video is all about practicing multiples of 1's, 2's, 3's, and 4's, but other games in my store work with higher multiples. (And there's more to come!!) This game increases fluency and comfort with multiples and makes multiplication and division so much easier!