Tuesday, January 8, 2013


An icicle- that's what am I am as I write this post!  It has not gotten above 32 degrees for the past two weeks.  Mainly it's hovered around the 10 degree mark.  And you know what that means at my school?  Inside recess.  Oh.Man.  My class is already (only 2 days into school after our break) driving me B.O.N.K.E.R.S.  Bonkers, I'm tellin' ya! 

Today we finally had to get out of our classroom that seemed to be closing in on us (okay... maybe I'm getting a littttttle too dramatic, but seriously) and went on an Indoor Scavenger Hunt.  Okay, maybe I made it up in 30 seconds, and maybe I didn't take many any pictures.  But it was pretty fun!  I wrote down things for them to look for, like 2 red items, and what color shirt is our principal wearing?  And then sloooooooooooowly walked through the halls of our school with clipboards and pencils in hand, on the lookout for items.

Soo, maybe it wasn't super educational, and maybe it wasn't a ton of movement, but it was definitely better than sitting in our classroom any longer!  And they seemed to enjoy getting out.

I also encorporated a few of my math games from my Snowflakes {Keep Falling on My Head} Math Centers into our day!  That helped everyone have a little bit of fun.  Again, I wish I had taken pictures...  New Years Resolution= Take more pictures!!!  If you would like to check out my Snowflakes Math Centers... go here

Does anyone out there have some great ideas for entertaining these guys on insanely cold days?! I can use all the help I can get!

Happy Tuesday!
~Kelly Anne 

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