Saturday, March 29, 2014

This Year

This Year.  This is our year abroad. Our chance to grow, to become better people, to learn more, and to see the world.  My hubby and I are hanging in London for the weekend- a first for the both of us!!  With 4 more international trips planned (thanks to the cheap-ness of RyanAir) before we put our time in Europe behind us, we are trying to enjoy every single minute.  I hope you make the most of this adventure, your year, whatever it may be, and love every minute of it!


  1. I love this inspirational quote...and your blog! =] I have been following you for a couple weeks and I have really enjoyed reading your posts. I just wanted you to know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award. Thanks for being awesome! For more information on the award...and to read your shout out...visit this link:

  2. love your blog, I just came across it and immediately followed! Im a new blogger and would love if you checked out my page =] have fun abroad! cannot way to read about your travels

  3. I've nominated you for the sunshine blogger award! Check out my blog for details:

