Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Letters!

Happy Monday!  Can you believe it's already Monday again!?  Well my weekend was amazing.  My hubby and I visited Austin, TX for the first time to see some friends who recently moved there.  Be sure you're following me on Instagram to see some pictures!  I definitely had a rough start this morning.

Dear Students,  I am so proud of you for your great report on Friday from the sub.  We will have to have a celebration, considering the previous sub walked out of the classroom.  {A story for another day}.

Dear Lesson Plans, I know you sit completely untouched.  And that there's so much to do.  Please help me just get through this week.  T-Minus 6 school days until Thanksgiving Break!  Can I get an AMEN!?

Dear Austin, I had to roll off the plane to get home.  Thank you for your mountains of delicious food and drinks.  I will be back soon!

Dear 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader sitting near me on the plane, Just so you know, I'm glad your Mom was making you complete your homework on the plane.  You can complain all you want - but I am grateful for parents like yours who try to do homework with their kids.  It takes a village, y'all.

Enjoy the rest of your week!  Gobble, gobble!

Inspired by Elle & Co., Monday Letters is a weekly installment where I write four letters each week.  Two letters are to my classroom or are school related.  The other two are for anything else in my world during that week. 
Be sure to stop by my blog post I shared yesterday!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

5 Things I Said Before I Became a Teacher That Are Complete Bull

(5) Then - My students will all love each other and I will leave every day knowing they love me. 
Now - Will the kids leave every day knowing I love them?  Yes.  But will they always love me?  I'm afraid not.  And I'm okay with that.

(4) Then - I don't need to give grades.  Rubrics are the best.
Now - Ain't nobody got time for that.  Rubrics are great for big projects and assessments.  But for the every day math worksheet?  Sometimes a 5 out of 5 or a checkmark {or the recycling bin} is all I can manage.

(3) Then - I will spend at least an hour on each subject and I will set a timer so I don't run over.
Now - Oy.  Scheduling is the bane of my existence.  I barely have time for 50 minutes per subject.  And who has time to set a timer?!  And what if I remember to set one and the timer goes off and I'm not finished?  AH!  An hour-ish and miniiiii lessons will have to do.

(2) Then - I will differentiate every lesson I teach to make sure I reach every student.
Now - I will make sure my lesson is heard/seen/experienced by as many students as possible.  I will make it as engaging as possible, and when I see fit, I will differentiate.  Right there.  On the spot.  But not always before the lesson or on the weekends.  Because there are only 24 hours in a day people.

(1) Then - I will return all tests, papers, and work within three days of completion and with thorough feedback.
Now - HA!  Haahahhaha! HA!

Have any more to add?  Leave them below in the comments!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What Does the Turkey Say?

It's been about a year since the iconic What Does the Fox Say?  song came out.  Although we were living in Spain during this time, we still heard the song everywhere we went.  Ohh silly Spaniards.

So, feeling inspired, I decided to create a silly activity {you can also read about it >>here<<} that would be perfect for this time of year.  I need super engaging activities to keep my 4th graders focused.  Not just anything will do.

SO, enter James.  James is a nice turkey struggling to make his way home for Thanksgiving Break.  He accidentally crash lands in the Carnivora's front yard during a horrible blizzard.  The Carnivoras offer to take James in until the storm clears up, but as the weather worsens and nobody can leave their homes, it looks like James may be tonight's dinner!  What should everyone do?  This fun mini unit includes newspaper articles for your class to read and respond to, a ~WORKING E-MAIL~ address for them to send their opinions to, a turkey craftivity, and MORE!

 Grab this silly, fun, and engaging activity in my TpT Store for just $2.50!!  
And for the next three days it will be 20% off!  
Go!  Now!  Why wait?!

Cheers!  TGI{almost}F!

Monday, November 10, 2014

It's Monday!

Happy Monday to all!

It's time for some Monday Letters! I hope you've had a great start to the week!

Dear and Catherine from The Brown Bag Teacher, Thank you for the brilliant idea of ordering personalized pencils!  I went ahead and ordered a set for my class.  I cannot wait to give them their personalized pencils, personalized bookmarks, and a book from Scholastic as their Christmas gifts!  Thank you for making Christmas cheap and easy!!  SCORE!

Dear Mr. Writer, where did this writing enthusiasm come from?  I was shocked when we met for a writing conference and I saw all of this beautifulness!  I can't even get mad about the drawings since they were so "important" to the story.  {It MUST be my amazing Writing Units at work - wink!}

Dear hubby, I love you to the moon and back and I'm ecstatic to be going to Austin, TX with you this weekend, but are you sure you need the Texan Style Mustache you've been rocking since Saturday?

Dear sub plans, I cannot wait to go out of town Thursday night, but do you really need to take this long to write?  {I'm drowwwwning in Sub Plans!}

Inspired by Elle & Co., Monday Letters is a weekly installment where I write four letters each week.  Two letters are to my classroom or are school related.  The other two are for anything else in my world during that week.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Simple Strategy for Introducing Division & Free Powerpoint!

Happy weekend, friends!

Last week was a four day week (thank you Election Day!) and I soaked up every minute of that day off.  Now we're in that beautiful downhill stretch to Christmas Break.  Too early?

My class this year is uber procedural and has a hard time discussing ANNNNYTHING.

Me:  What's your favorite book we've read?
Student:  Frindle.
Me:  Oh that's a good one! How come?
Student:  ............ It was good.
Me:  Any other reasons?
Student:  ... I liked it.
Me:  Okay.  Anyone else?
Class:  Chirp, chirp....

So I've really been working on dragging out some of our conversations.  This is especially important in math.  If we can discuss math, then I know they've got it (or don't).  I was super nervous as we began our unit on division this week.  I knew we'd need something basic but purposeful.  So I whipped up some amazing super duper squares.  On colored paper.  So, nothing earth shattering or crazy.  But WHOA.  I paired it with this SIMPLE powerpoint, and ta-da!  We're on our way to understanding division - the first step!

I just created an array on powerpoint {because I tried in Word and why would anyone ever create anything in Word anymore?  Oh my word {HA!} and then printed and had my kiddos cut.  {I don't know about y'all, but cutting takes foreeever.  I always put a timer up and give them like 2 minutes.  If they don't finish, then we discuss how to multi task and I move on while they wrap up}.

So then I popped up this PPT {grab it fo' FREE aqui} and we discussed what we already knew about division, what words represented division, and if we knew any division facts off the top of our head.  {My kiddos didn't}.  So then we moved on to some division problems, discussing what a division problem LOOKS like, and then began dividing.  We started with 24 little squares and dividing 24 by 4.  I was amazed at all the different ways my kiddos divided 24 into 4 equal groups!

Look at all the strategies just for 24 divided by 4!

Some  counted out 4 at a time, others created four groups, and others used arrays!  This led into some great sharing and CONVERSING about the different strategies.  How do we know what the answer is?  What is the correct way to solve this?  Is there a "correct" way?  We continued to use 24 and divide by basic numbers {no remainders for us quite yet}.  This simple strategy paired with genuine conversation and questioning, really helped my kiddos start to grasp this thing we call division.  I plan on doing the same thing tomorrow but with a new number.

I know this is beyond simple, but I knew I needed my kiddos to really have a part in the making of 24 {cutting out the array} and then dividing it up on their own.  I am so glad I did because I saw SO many lightbulbs come on.  Now I need to work on carrying this over into those bigger numbers.  Any suggestions?

Have a great rest of the weekend!  Cheers!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Why I Heart Election Day This Year

Y'all... I've always had to work on Election Day.  I've never had school off - BUT, I DO this year.  A Tuesday off school is more than needed right now.  Like - it could not have come at a better time.  EVER.

This mid-Fall slump is hitting hard.  I'm in survival mode and am living day to day off pizza, to-go coffee, and school lunches.  Thank goodness for school lunches.

That's as large as coffees come.

I mean, who has time for this?
Or for blisters?
My lessons are mediocre and uneventful.  Which isn't a bad thing.  Every teacher knows each lesson can't be magical and earth shattering.  They just need to get the job done.  But engagement level is low.  And I needed (LET ME REPEAT - NEEDED) today.  This glorious day.  To pin new ideas to Pinterest, drink coffee in my jammies, and snuggle a little extra longer with my hubby before he scuttled off to work.

And after my day of classroom soul searching, I am ready to come back and share some great stuff with y'all.  Be sure to stop back by later this week for some updates on what's going on in our classroom!


Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Letters // NF Text Giveaway

Happy Monday teachers!

With report cards around the corner, the classroom stresses get a little more overwhelming.  I'm definitely feeling it, as you can see from my desk this week!  

Anyone else feeling like this is your life right now?
How would you love to have some nonfiction texts to help you out and save you time?   These Nonfiction Leveled texts are just what you need.  Be sure to check out the amazing giveaway, below, sponsored by the adorably fab The Sweetest Thing!  

And of course, it's time for our Monday Letters!  

Dear Classroom Floor, I apologize for all the crayons that were ground into you today.  It was apparently the only thing that calmed our sweet friend whose anger was off the charts.  Thank you for providing a calming, therapeutic effect... Even if the beautiful crayons had to suffer.  {Time to repurpose some crayong pieces!!}

Dear Beautiful Weather,  I am looking the cool/warm combo we've got going on.  Scarf and boots in the morning?  Please!  Short sleeves in the afternoon?  Bring on the suntan!!  Please don't go away Southern Fall :)

Dear Bottle of Wine, Big Bang Theory, and Purple Pen,  You're about to make a daily presence in my life as report cards come tumbling up all too soon.  Thank you for always being there for me as I grade 3,928 pieces of paper that I've procrastinated over for the past few weeks.  

Dear New Mac Book, WHYWHYWHY did I wait so long to make the switch to a Mac?  5 minutes in on my newest TpT product and there's no going back!!  Have you made the switch?  What did you think?

Inspired by Elle & Co., Monday Letters is a weekly installment where I write four letters each week.  Two letters are to my classroom or are school related.  The other two are for anything else in my world during that week. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday Letters... on Tuesday

Happy Monday Tuesday y'all!  I'm really feeling down with a case of the "Mondays" today.   I'm not sure if it's the gray weather or the lack of a break in our midst- but I was definitely struggling today with my kiddos.  I made a few adjustments this afternoon, rearranged a few desks, and googled new transition ideas, and am ready to go into tomorrow with fresh eyes and a bushy tail.   *I hope*  How are y'all holding up?

Last week was an exciting one in our classroom- full of earning rewards, sailing to China, and exploring the power of magnets!  For 4th graders, magnets are pretty much the coolest thing since sliced bread.  Seriously.  "Do they stick to our desk legs?"  "I don't know!  Let's find out!"  "AHHH they do!!!!!"  Who knew?  But life in 4th grade is going full steam ahead and I'm embracing every crazy second of it!  How's your year going? 

Dear Classroom... Why oh why would you allow paper airplanes to fly through you this past Friday?  Just because there was a substitute in there does not mean it is appropriate to have these guys fly through the air... No matter how impressive their designs were.  (And they were impressive).

Dear Target... I am in  love with your beautiful home items.  Can you please have a sale so I can finally afford them? 

Dear 24 thumbtacks that were in the hallway holding up papers... Which 4th grade boy placed you in the urinal?  Please tell me before recess is lost for good.

Dear hubby... I am ecstatic to not even think about school this weekend!  I can't wait to take my Fall Break and spend it exploring through the woods with you!!  Let's pitch a tent, unroll those sleeping bags, and make a smore (or ten!). 

Have a wonderful week friends!  Be sure to stop by tomorrow for a fab giveaway!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Hungry Teacher Giveaway!

Hey teachers friends!

Do you know Mrs. Cahill over at the Hungry Teacher? She is celebrating her adorable new blog design and is hosting a great giveaway!  You could win $25 to TpT, her Back to School Packs, and my entire 5th Grade writing Units bundle.  What are you waiting for?  Go check it out!

Monday, September 15, 2014

$100 to TpT! Will You Win?

It's Monday!  Monday always comes so quickly.  Just like the end of our giveaway... less than 4 hours to go!!  Be sure to enter for your chance to win some great prizes... $100 to TpT, an adorable custom pencil by TallahasseeSunday, and fab products by some of my fave bloggers.

Seriously, you don't want to miss this one!

Back to today... I've had quite the Monday y'all.  And you know what Monday means on AppleSlices... Monday Letters!

Dear whoever scheduled a day of training and progress reports due the same day... Seriously?  Don't you realize sub plans and this teacher's cup now runneth over?  It was a 12 hour school day + Dominoes Delivery for sure. 

Dear bright pink paper airplane flying through the classroom... why are you in the air?  Shaped like an airplane?  During reading?  Where did you even come from?  Seriously?

Dear crisp cool weather... You were a much welcomed friend this weekend.  Add a few cups of tea, a scarf or two, and some boots.  I'm ready for you!

Dear Dominoes... Thank you for your gluten free pizza loaded with mushrooms, banana peppers, and onions.  You make me one happy eater! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Inspired by Elle & Co., Monday Letters is a weekly installment where I write four letters each week.  Two letters are to my classroom or are school related.  The other two are for anything else in my world during that week.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Place Value Decomposition in 4th Grade

Math, y'all, may be the death of me.  I am a writer.  I love teaching writing.  I get writing.  Lo and behold, I feel comfortable teaching it.  What I don't get however, is math.  And how to get deep-deep-deep-down there where my learners are developing a conceptual understanding.   I try.  I question.  I explain.  I have them explain, share, think, and question.  But in all honesty, I just don't feel like it's getting my mathematicians to the place they need to be.

We've been studying place value as 4th graders.  And although we've been using base ten blocks, place value cards, First to 1,000, and many other strategies, it just wasn't clicking like it needed to.  One of my sweet n' lows just had the most frustrated look during math.  And I felt horrible!  Then all of a sudden, I stumbled upon this gem online somewhere.  Originally I printed it out for my learners.  But I realized that three pages for each student + lots of cutting would take up far too much time for me.  And I wasn't about to cut it all out myself.  Aint nobody got time for that... So I moved to the next best thing, the Elmo, and cut out one set myself.  So simple.  Number cards, and 1's, 10's, 100's, 1,000's, and on and on- up to billion. 

We laid out our cards and I asked the big question... "So, what's the value of this 2?"  "My little one's hand shot up.  SHOT UP, y'all.  "Two thousand" she proudly shared.  And my day was made. 

Obviously I got ahead of myself with this picture- we still needed seven thousands.  But you get the gist!

This also helped reinforce the big idea that each place value to the left is TEN TIMES the previous number.  Which we had a rough time grasping. 

Maybe you're looking for someway to connect this concept with your kiddos too.  Or you want to review a bit.  Grab this simple, simple, simple activity here

Friday, September 12, 2014

Huge Milestone Giveaway!

Y'all- it is time to celebrate!!  I am SO excited to share with you that I have reached a new milestone.  To make the most of it, I have joined together with some amazing bloggers to host a great giveaway!!

You could win $100 to TpT, a beautifully custom painted pencil from TallahasseeSunday, and some AMAZING products from some of the top sellers on TpT!

Check it out and enter, below, friends!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11th in the Classroom

September 11th is a day we need to remember.  A day we cannot let be forgotten.  Unfortunately, many of the students we have in our classrooms, have no idea what happened that day.  It's challenging to find the perfect material to use in the classroom- but in my experience, students have SO many questions about this day.  They want to know why this happened, what has changed since, if this could happen again, and they have many misconceptions.  I mean, MANY misconceptions. 

A few years ago I stumbled across this great video by Nickelodeon News.  I had completely forgotten about it until my friend Mrs. Cahill e-mailed me about it! It is created for upper elementary kids and is very informative.  We watched it today but plan on re-watching it tomorrow after students have had a chance to chat more with their families and interview them about where they were when they heard about September 11th.

 Every other video I found had to be edited to remove material that wasn't very appropriate for students.  But luckily I knew this video would be parent & principal approved. What other resources have you used in your classroom with success? 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Letters

Well, it's been three whole weeks and we've been getting to know each other like crazy!  I am SO ready to get started with lessons, conferences, and guided groups.  BUT, I know that this time is precious and must not be rushed.  Building relationships and getting to know my learners (and them getting to know me) is invaluable.  We've practiced, modeled, reviewed, and discussed our routines to death and will continue creating our classroom community for another week or so (and then continue periodically throughout the year!).  What do you do in order to get to know your learners?

How I spent my airport time last weekend!  A teacher does what she has to do...
Dear 4th graders, thank you for responding with "railroads" and "with the pilgrims!" when I asked you "How did Native Americans get to North America".  Obviously I need to get caught up on my history!

Dear classroom floor, I'm sorry for all the desk rearranging and scuffed floors I caused you this week.  I feel like we're finally getting settled into a decent arrangement and I promise not to move desks around any more.  Well, not too much more.  I guess I can't promise. 

Dear football season, welcome back!!  I am so excited to see you again.  You fit into my weekend perfectly with all the grading I have on my agenda.  Hubby and I are both happy!

Dear hubby... thank you for picking up the slack when we come home to a missing garbage can, only to realize we need to set up the service and they won't bring us another one for two weeks.  You have lovingly taken our garbage to the dumpster every other night so that I don't have to worry about it with back to school madness.  You sure do know the way to my Acts-of-Service heart!

Inspired by Elle & Co., Monday Letters is a weekly installment where I write four letters each week.  Two letters are to my classroom or are school related.  The other two are for anything else in my world during that week.

Monday, September 1, 2014

August Currently!

It's Labor Day- quite possibly a teacher's all time favorite holiday, besides Christmas and Spring Break and Thansgiving...

But somehow Labor Day is just so perfectly timed.  Who couldn't use a little break before boosting into September?  {Speaking of the fact that it's September, I actually named my file Currently August because mentally I thought it was August... and I just realized that, well, it's not August anymore... while I was typing this...

BUT, it's September now.  And time for all things pumpkin, scarf, and boots!  Bring it on Fall :)

Hop on over to Farley's blog to check out this month's currently!

Listening... I'm on my way home to South Carolina from Seattle!!  I may be crazy to travel like this on a must needed rest weekend.  But when I studied abroad in Spain five years ago, I met some amazing friends.  And we all live all over the country and once or twice a year we meet up in someone's home-city and have a reunion.  This time it was Seattle!  I needed the laughs, perspective, and nature and feel reenergized and renewed heading back to the real world.  Thank you Delta Wifi for providing me with work time :)

Loving... Travel.  My hubby and I are travelers.  While he didn't make it to Seattle with me, we're always planning our next trip.  Seattle also reminded me how much I love to see new places.  Looks like we will need to start planning when I get home.  Life's too short not to see the world, right?

Thinking... About what else?  My teaching team is amazing and we collaborate frequently to plan for our week.  They save me so much time and effort!  I already had great ideas for the week when I went to check my school e-mail this morning.  Thank the Lord for great support!

Wanting... Some {I'm making up a word- I know} comfiness for my classroom!  We need a few chairs and pillows to spruce it up.  Right now it feels very... sterile?  Not the vibe I'm going for.  But funds are necessary for comfiness factors... so all in good time I suppose...

Needing... a dresser!  Enough with folding clothes on the floor!  I'm ready to be an adult!  Now the real question is, which comes first... the dresser or the comfiness?

3 Trips... All dreams of mine and places I plan/hope/need/beg to visit in the next five year!!  Has anyone ever done any of these??

Well, I'm off to read and take notes for the week!  We're devouring Frindle and loving discussions focusing on the power our words have!

Happy SHORT week!!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Support Jen & Her Family in Their Journey to Adoption // LAST day!

I hope everyone is loving their three day weekend.  I'm currently in Seattle visiting some amazing friends that I met while studying abroad!  I'll be back later this week (I'm hoping!) to share what's been going on in our classroom!!  Be sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with my travels and the day to day going-ons. 

For a few days, everything in my store will be 20% off!!  Don't forget, today is the LAST day to support Jen Bengel in her journey to adoption!  Purchase my Beginning of the Year product and $2.00 will go to Jen's family during this busy and amazing time. 

Happy Sunday AND Monday sweet friends!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

5 Days In!

Tired.  Oh so tired.  5 days in and I can't believe the bags under my eyes will ever go away.  I fall into bed every night and crash, not moving until my alarm goes off at 5.  But I wake up excited and ready-ish to go- Oh the life of a teacher.

Chinese take out, paper plates, and a glass of wine. Typical weeknight dinner.

And so much grading all ready
I am loving my 4th graders and every day we spend together.  I swear some day soon I will blog more than once every Monday- but right now I'm adjusting to life in a new school, learning the quirks of my kiddos, and early mornings.  Oh the early mornings.

So much learning to do!

I forgot how little 4th graders can be.  It's been a while since I started my year with them... and it has been quite an adventure.  Some of our 4th grade antics will kick off our Monday letters...

Dear 4th Graders... Thank you for reminding me never to take life too seriously with your oh-so-serious quips, like when I told you to "double check your entry," and you reply "isn't that a big meal?"  or when we're brainstorming what we know about the government, and you write "spream cork." Thank you for reminding me it's okay to laugh out loud sometimes frequently. 

Dear Classroom... Oh classroom.  You forgot how loud it could be.  How messy it could be.  And how silly it could be.  Thank you for hiding my paper-piles in your cabinets, being open so it's easy to air out those student smells, and for your amazing windows with their natural light, offering a soothing and welcoming environment. 

Dear Hubby... thank you for waking up early every day with me, making me lots of coffee and lunch, and sending me out the door.  Your support {and coffee} makes my day so much smoother.  There's no way I could do it without you!

Dear Kitty Cat... Happy 5th birthday!  We missed you so much while we were in Spain and are thrilled to have you back in our home after living with your "grandparents" for nearly a year.  Your "barks" at birds, love for raw chicken and turkey lunch meat, and frequent snuggles, are a much welcome part of our lives. 

 Inspired by Elle & Co., Monday Letters is a weekly installment where I write four letters each week.  Two letters are to my classroom or are school related.  The other two are for anything else in my world during that week. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Teacher Week: Monday + Monday Letters

Hey friends!  Tomorrow is our first day of school and this teacher is all kinds of exhausted!  I still have a to-do list that, let's be honest, will never get completed.  But my classroom is as ready as it'll ever be and my 4th graders will be there tomorrow morning- bright and early!  I am so excited to be linking up with Blog Hoppin' to participate in their Teacher Week and share a little bit about me!

My name is Kelly Anne and this is my FIFTH {holy cow!} year teaching!!  I graduated from the University of South Carolina and moved out to Colorado where my husband and I lived for three years.  We loved Colorado and met some amazing friends.  Seriously, I met some of the most inspiring teachers and people during our brief time out there. 

 We were ecstatically married in Savannah, GA last Summer and then moved to Spain, where we taught ESOL for a year! 

Living in Spain was a dream of ours and I'm so glad we did it.  It was amazing and a great lesson in being humble, respecting other cultures, eating anything, and just going with the flow.  We had originally planned on staying in Spain for two years or more, but realized that we were definitely ready to be back near our family.  So, we moved back to the States this Summer and to South Carolina- the same beautiful state where we met!  

In my free time, I love riding my bike, taking pictures, enjoying a glass or two of wine, traveling, watching college football, and reading!  I love to read anything.  Teacher books, YA novels, Historical fiction, etc...  I love it all :)

Every Monday on my blog you can stop by to see a few letters that I write.  Two letters are to my classroom or are school related.  The other two are for anything else on my heart that week.  Monday Letters were inspired by the fabulous Elle & Co. Here's a little of what's on my mind tonight... among many, many, MANY, other things in preparation for tomorrow :)

Dear First Year Teacher... I know the feeling.  That nerve wrecking, terrifying feeling that you have so much to do but have no idea where to start.  I remember it all too well... and feel it too.  Every year that I teach.  Some years it feels better.  Other years it comes back with a vengeance.  No matter the fear or how prepared you are, that first day will come.  Don't forget, you will never have another first day of teaching.  Enjoy every moment {fear included}!

Dear New Home... Without any shelving or dressers (yet), please forgive our clothes, neatly stacked along your beautiful hardwood floors. Don't worry, I am faithfully scouring nearby thrift stores for any dresser that may fit the bill.  I won't just settle for anything, although in another week I may get desperate for something to separate my underwear from my t-shirts.  

Dear Beahvior Clip Chart... I don't love you.  I'm sorry.  Up on our classroom wall you hang, just like every other classroom on my hall.  I hope to find a way to successfully phase you out of our classroom as the year transitions.  How do other teachers feel about the lovely Behavior Clip Chart? 

Dear To Do List... You are endless.  Will you ever be complete?  I am off to try and check off some of your boxes.  Isn't that the best feeling ever?

Happy Monday sweet friends.  I will be back throughout the week to participate more during Blog Hoppin's linky and to share a little bit about my first week back to school :)

Sweet dreams :)