Monday, November 10, 2014

It's Monday!

Happy Monday to all!

It's time for some Monday Letters! I hope you've had a great start to the week!

Dear and Catherine from The Brown Bag Teacher, Thank you for the brilliant idea of ordering personalized pencils!  I went ahead and ordered a set for my class.  I cannot wait to give them their personalized pencils, personalized bookmarks, and a book from Scholastic as their Christmas gifts!  Thank you for making Christmas cheap and easy!!  SCORE!

Dear Mr. Writer, where did this writing enthusiasm come from?  I was shocked when we met for a writing conference and I saw all of this beautifulness!  I can't even get mad about the drawings since they were so "important" to the story.  {It MUST be my amazing Writing Units at work - wink!}

Dear hubby, I love you to the moon and back and I'm ecstatic to be going to Austin, TX with you this weekend, but are you sure you need the Texan Style Mustache you've been rocking since Saturday?

Dear sub plans, I cannot wait to go out of town Thursday night, but do you really need to take this long to write?  {I'm drowwwwning in Sub Plans!}

Inspired by Elle & Co., Monday Letters is a weekly installment where I write four letters each week.  Two letters are to my classroom or are school related.  The other two are for anything else in my world during that week.


  1. I {love} Monday Letters. SUCH a fun idea. It reminds me a lot of Jimmy Fallon's Thank You letters. So, so fantastic! Also, I am pumped about the pencils, too. ;)

    1. Thanks girl! The letters make blogging a little easier :) I hope you have a great week!!

  2. The personalized pencils are SUCH a great idea! I bet your students will love them! It's amazing how long it takes to write sub plans, isn't it? Have a great weekend in Austin!

  3. Love the pencil idea. I have mine ordered, and they should arrive next Wednesday!!!!!
