Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Deck the Halls!

Well Blogger friends,

It's that time of year again- State Test Taking Season.  It never ceases to come too fast... Like, really?  It's already March?  Whhhhatttt?  I swear it was just August...  Really! 

But here it is.  Today was our first day of testing and we have all kinds of craziness in our schedule.  In order to keep things light and fun, I was all inspired on Pinterest and found some CUTE wall coverings (Mr. Seuss Inspired!!).  It's always hard for me to cover up our beautiful anchor charts and learning, so Mrs. Co Teacher and I spent last Tuesday covering our walls a little differently than normal.  It took nearly 3 hours, but the final result was completely worth it!


We had already taken down most of that large bulletin board
AND (drum roll puhleaseeee)...

The Lorax! (I love his moustache!)

Check out those Truffela Trees :)
It's fun walking into a room that's a little brighter and decorative instead of bland and boring so this was a GREAT alternative for us.  We're also doing some fun things to keep our learners motivated during this crazy time of the year.  More to come about that later this week!  It's time for this teaching friend to go to bed- I'm beat!! 

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